The Best Resource Planner

Enjoy centralized dashboards, real-time analytics, customizable attributes, and manage your projects efficiently.

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360 Work Reporter: More Than Just A Resource Planner

Centralized Management

Resource Scheduling and Allocation

Real-Time Resource Management

Customization and Flexibility

Financial Management

Forecasting and Planning

Accessibility and Notifications

Centralized Dashboard for Comprehensive Oversight: Our resource planning tool provides a single, unified view of your business operations, allowing you to monitor all ongoing projects, resource allocations, and upcoming deadlines in one place. With our comprehensive overview, you can make informed decisions quickly, saving time and reducing the risk of missed deadlines or misallocated resources. We empower you to stay in control and focused on your goals.
Real-Time Dashboards, Analytics & Reports: Our real-time dashboards, analytics, and reports offer actionable insights into your business performance, enabling data-driven decision-making. With our real-time monitoring and analytics capabilities, you can track resource utilization, project progress, and team performance, identifying areas for improvement and optimizing resource allocation. We help you stay ahead of the competition and drive growth by providing the information you need to respond quickly to changes in your business.

Streamlining Project Scheduling: Our software makes planning and editing project schedules and resource plans a breeze. With our tool, you can avoid scheduling conflicts and resolve issues with overbooking and underbooking, ensuring your projects run smoothly and efficiently. We help you streamline your project scheduling process, saving time and reducing stress.
Balancing Workloads Across Teams: Our resource planning software provides a clear overview of your teams' workloads, allowing you to see who is busy and can take on more tasks. With our calendar view, you can plan projects, forecast resources, and monitor and optimize resource utilization. We help you balance your teams' workloads, ensuring everyone is productive and efficient.
Drag and Drop Calendar Management: Our drag-and-drop calendar management feature makes scheduling easy and intuitive. You can assign people to projects, schedule employees' time, and easily change plans by resizing, cutting, or duplicating bookings. Our visual calendar management system saves you time and reduces errors.
Hourly Availability Management: Our software allows you to track part-time employees' or freelancers' hourly availability, ensuring you know exactly how much time they can spend on your project every day. With our hourly availability management feature, you can plan and schedule resources with precision, maximizing productivity and efficiency.

Allocate the Right Resources: Our software enables you to allocate the right team members to the right projects, tasks, and clients. With our detailed resource planning feature, you can ensure that the right people and materials are available for each project, maximizing efficiency and productivity. We help you make informed decisions about resource allocation, so you can deliver high-quality results.
Real-Time Resource Management: Our real-time resource management feature allows you to assign resources and balance team workload with ease. With our color-coded heatmaps, you can visualize resource allocation at a glance, identifying potential bottlenecks and making adjustments on the fly. Our software helps you optimize resource utilization, ensuring your teams are working efficiently and effectively.

Customizable Attributes: Our resource planning software allows you to add custom attributes to people or projects, giving you the flexibility to tailor our platform to your specific needs. For example, you can add employment status or project custom fields to capture additional information. Plus, you can use these custom attributes to filter the calendar, making it easy to find the information you need. We put the power in your hands to customize our platform to fit your workflow.
Granular Permissions: 360 Work Reporter Understand the importance of security and appropriate access levels. That's why we offer granular permissions, allowing you to control access to our platform with precision. You can set permissions to ensure that each user has the right level of access, whether it's view-only or edit access. With our granular permissions, you can rest assured that your data is secure and only accessible to those who need it.

Revenue Forecasting: Our resource management software allows you to define budgets in multiple currencies, making it easy to manage projects with international clients or teams. With our real-time tracking, you can monitor project costs and profits as they happen, ensuring you're always on top of your finances. Plus, our software compares planned hours with actual tracked time, giving you accurate budgeting and forecasting capabilities. With our revenue forecasting feature, you'll always know where your business stands financially.

Resource Forecasting: With our resource forecasting feature, you can predict future resource needs based on historical data and project trends. This allows you to adjust resource plans proactively to meet anticipated demands, ensuring you have the right resources in place to deliver projects successfully. Our resource forecasting capabilities help you stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions about resource allocation.
Capacity Planning: Our resource planning tool enables you to assess the capacity of resources to meet project requirements, identifying potential bottlenecks and areas for improvement. By optimizing resource utilization, you can maximize productivity and ensure that resources are allocated efficiently. With our capacity planning capabilities, you can deliver projects efficiently and effectively.
Scenario Planning and Simulation: Our scenario planning and simulation feature allows you to test different resource allocation scenarios, identifying the most efficient plans and optimizing resource utilization. You can also simulate potential project outcomes based on varying resource plans, enabling you to make informed decisions about resource allocation and project planning. With our scenario planning and simulation capabilities, you can ensure that your projects are delivered on time and within budget.

Mobile Accessibility: Our software is designed to be mobile-friendly, allowing you to access our resource planning tool from anywhere, at any time. With our mobile app, you can stay connected and collaborate with your team in real time, even on the go. Whether you're a manager or a team member, our mobile accessibility feature ensures that you're always up-to-date and productive, no matter where you are.
Anomaly Detection: Our anomaly detection feature is like having a watchful eye on your data. Our software identifies unusual patterns and outliers, detecting potential errors and exceptions. This feature helps you stay on top of your work, detect potential issues before they become major problems, and take corrective action to prevent mistakes. With anomaly detection, you can ensure data quality, reduce errors, and improve decision-making.
Automated Notifications and Alerts: Stay ahead of potential resource-related issues with our automated notifications and alerts feature. Set up custom alerts for resource availability, project deadlines, and scheduling conflicts, and ensure that you and your team are notified promptly. Our automated notifications help you prevent resource-related issues, reduce delays, and increase overall efficiency. With our alerts feature, you can rest assured that you'll always be informed and in control.

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