Automatic Time Tracking

Capture your time for accurate insights with our best time tracking app

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360 Work Reporter: More Than Just Time Tracking!

Automatic Time Tracking

Manual Time Entry

Offline Tracking

Activity Monitoring

AI-Powered Time Insights

Idle Time Detection

Timesheet Management

Timesheet Automation

Billable Time Tracking

Automatically Monitor App, Website, and Local Computer Usage

Activity Level Tracking

Customizable Alert

Effortless Time Capture: Our automatic time tracking eliminates the need for manual input, recording employee work hours in real-time as they complete their responsibilities. This ensures accurate time records without requiring additional effort from employees.
Increased Accuracy: With our automatic work time tracker, human error in manual time entry is minimized, leading to more accurate and reliable time data for payroll, client billing, and project costing purposes.
Enhanced Productivity: Your employees can focus on their work without the distraction of having to track their time manually. This leads to improved productivity as they can give their full attention to their tasks and projects.
Insightful Analytics: Our automatic time tracking systems have built-in reporting and analytics features that provide valuable insights into employee time usage patterns, project progress, and resource allocation, enabling data-driven decision-making.
Streamlined Processes: By automating time tracking, administrative tasks associated with manual time entry are reduced, freeing up time for managers and HR personnel to focus on more strategic activities.

Track Everything You Do: The manual time entry feature in our automated time tracker allows you to easily record all your work, even away from the computer, like calls or meetings, so no productive time slips through the cracks.
Write Down Your Tasks: Note down and describe what you do when you're not at the computer, such as meetings or calls, to keep a clear record of your day.
Get Accurate Billing: Make sure clients pay for every bit of work, whether it's at the computer or away, so you're always fairly compensated
Increased Transparency: Our manual time entry feature builds transparency by providing a clear record of all work activities, promoting accountability among employees, and improving client trust through accurate billing practices.

Continuous Productivity: Our employee time tracking software includes an offline time tracking feature that ensures that your work doesn't stop when the internet does. Your employees can continue tracking their time even when they're offline, maintaining productivity regardless of connectivity issues.
Data Integrity: Our offline tracking captures time data locally on the device, ensuring data integrity even in areas with limited or no internet access. This reduces the risk of data loss and ensures accurate time-tracking records
Improved Efficiency: Your employees can work efficiently without being connected to an internet connection, enabling them to complete tasks on time and meet deadlines regardless of their location.
Flexibility: Our Offline tracking provides flexibility for your employees who work in remote locations or travel frequently. They can track their time wherever they are, ensuring that their work hours are accurately recorded regardless of internet availability

Productivity Insights: Gain valuable insights into how time is spent on various tasks and activities with our employee time-tracking software, helping employees and managers identify areas for improvement and optimize workflow efficiency.
Performance Tracking: Monitor individual and team performance by tracking activity levels, allowing for more accurate evaluations and targeted support where needed.
Resource Allocation: Identify where resources are being utilized most effectively and make informed decisions about resource allocation to maximize productivity and output with our time-tracking software for small business.
Compliance and Security: Ensure compliance with company policies and regulations by monitoring activity levels and detecting any unauthorized or suspicious behavior, enhancing overall security measures.
Proactive Problem Solving: Address potential problems or issues in real-time by monitoring activity levels, enabling proactive problem-solving, and preventing workflow disruptions.

Smart Analysis: Our AI-powered time insights utilize advanced algorithms to analyze time data, providing intelligent and actionable recommendations for improving productivity and efficiency.
Predictive Analytics: Our AI-powered time tracker helps your business predict future trends based on historical data. By understanding these patterns, you can plan more effectively and make better decisions. This leads to improved efficiency and productivity, helping your business achieve its dream.
Data-driven Decisions: With the offline tracking feature in our employee time tracker, your employees can focus on their tasks without worrying about disruptions caused by poor internet connections. This promotes uninterrupted workflow and allows seamless transitions between online and offline work environments.
Accurate Time Allocation: Your employees can work efficiently without being connected to an internet connection, enabling them to complete tasks on time and meet deadlines regardless of their location.
Real-Time Insights: Provides managers and employees with immediate feedback on their work habits, allowing for quick adjustments to improve performance .
Automate your invoicing: Our invoicing automation feature takes the headache out of billing. Once your timesheets are filled out, our software automatically generates and sends out invoices according to your predetermined settings. This means you can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time on growing your business.
Automated Reporting: Generates detailed reports on time spent on various activities, reducing the need for manual report generation and analysis.

Efficiency Optimization: Our Idle time detection feature helps you to identify periods of inactivity or downtime, allowing employees to optimize their workflow and minimize wasted time, and helping managers to address potential issues and improve overall efficiency
Productivity Improvement: By identifying and addressing idle time, employees can stay focused and engaged, leading to improved productivity and task completion rates.
Data-Driven Insights for Workflow Optimization: Analyze idle time data to identify problems or inefficiencies within workflows. This can help your business streamline processes and ensure your team is spending time on activities that drive results.
Promote Transparency and Accountability: Knowing idle time is being tracked encourages employees to be more mindful of their time usage. This builds a culture of transparency and accountability within the team.
Resource Allocation: Managers can use idle time data to allocate resources more effectively, ensuring that employees are assigned tasks to maximize productivity and minimize downtime.

Accurate Time Tracking: Our automatic time tracking system includes a timesheet feature that accurately records employee work hours. Helping you with precise payroll processing, client billing, and project costing.
Transparency and Accountability: By having detailed timesheets, employees and managers have transparent records of work hours, promoting accountability and trust within the organization.
Project Costing and Budgeting: Timesheet data provides valuable insights into project costs and resource utilization, helping businesses make informed decisions about budget allocation and project management.
Performance Evaluation and Planning: You can use timesheet data for performance evaluation, allowing managers to assess employee productivity and plan future projects based on historical time data. 
Compliance and Legal Protection: Timesheets serve as legal documents to ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations, protecting businesses from potential disputes or claims related to overtime pay or working hours.

Time Savings: Automating timesheet processes saves time for employees and managers, reducing the manual effort required to record and manage time data.
Accuracy: Automated timesheets eliminate the risk of human error associated with manual data entry, ensuring accurate and reliable time-tracking records.
Enhanced Productivity: With timesheet automation, data is captured and processed in real-time, streamlining workflow and reducing delays in payroll processing, client billing, and project costing.
Compliance: Automated timesheets help ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations by enforcing standardized time-tracking practices and providing audit trails for reporting purposes.
Insightful Analytics: Automated timesheet systems often include built-in reporting and analytics tools that provide valuable insights into employee productivity, project costs, and resource utilization, enabling data-driven decision-making and performance optimization.

Accurate Invoicing: Our automated time tracker ensures that all billable hours worked on client projects are accurately recorded, allowing businesses to generate precise invoices for their services.
Revenue Optimization: By utilizing our automatic time tracking system, your businesses can identify opportunities to increase revenue by accurately capturing all billable work and ensuring clients are billed for every hour worked.
Client Transparency: Providing clients with detailed breakdowns of billable hours enhances transparency and builds trust, as your clients can see exactly how their money is being spent on project-related activities.
Project Profitability Analysis: Billable time tracking enables businesses to analyze the profitability of projects by comparing billable hours to project costs, helping them make informed decisions about future pricing and resource allocation
Fair Compensation: Track your work hours easily with the 360 Work Reporter. This helps your business to ensure everyone gets paid fairly for their time. This builds trust and job satisfaction, contributing to a higher employee retention rate.

Productivity Insights: Our continuous screenshot feature acts like a video, offering a comprehensive view of employees' computer screens. Tracks app and website use in detail, offering insights into work patterns and highlighting opportunities for productivity enhancements.
Enhanced Productivity: Monitors how employees use their time on work-related apps, helping to identify and encourage high-performing employees
Time Management: By tracking local computer usage, employees can better manage their time and stay focused on work-related tasks, minimizing distractions and increasing productivity.
Resource Allocation: Monitoring app and website usage helps managers identify software and tools that are most frequently used, enabling them to allocate resources more effectively and invest in solutions that best support business objectives.
Security and Compliance: Monitoring local computer usage can help detect unauthorized software installations or access to restricted websites, enhancing security measures and ensuring compliance with company policies and regulations.

Insight into Productivity Levels: Our automatic time tracking tool provides insight into employee productivity by measuring the amount and intensity of work performed over time, helping to identify high-performing individuals or teams.
Identifying Work Patterns: Activity level tracking helps identify work patterns and trends, such as peak activity times or recurring periods of low productivity, allowing businesses to adjust schedules and workflows accordingly.
Performance Evaluation: Activity-level data can be used for performance evaluation, providing objective metrics to assess employee productivity and performance over time.
Insightful Analytics: Our automatic time tracking systems have built-in reporting and analytics features that provide valuable insights into employee time usage patterns, project progress, and resource allocation, enabling data-driven decision-making.
Proactive Intervention: By monitoring activity levels in real-time, managers can proactively identify and address issues such as burnout, workload imbalances, or workflow bottlenecks before they impact productivity and morale

Real-Time Monitoring: Customizable alerts provide managers with real-time notifications about specific employee activities or events, allowing for immediate action or intervention when necessary.
Focused Attention: Managers can customize alerts to focus on key performance indicators or potential issues, ensuring that they are promptly notified of important events or deviations from expected behavior.
Efficient Management: Customizable alerts enable managers to stay informed and proactive without the need for constant monitoring, allowing them to focus their time and attention on other managerial tasks.
Improved Accountability : Customizable alerts promote accountability among employees by providing clear expectations and consequences for certain behaviors, encouraging adherence to company policies and standards..

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